Essay About Students

Persuasive Essay Examples If you are already looking for persuasive essay examples online, you probably have a somewhat vague idea on how to start writing. Good news then! Below, we offer your three persuasive essay examples college students will definitely appreciate, along with the writing tips and explanations. Persuasive essay example #1: Why Lie Today, it is quite clear that effective communication is one of the most important and valuable aspects of a social relationship, regardless of whether this relationship is personal, business, or even a medical one. Medicine, in particular, is one of the spheres that “is changing in a way that puts a premium on communication skills” (Back et al.

Essay About Students Life


Essay About Students Success

It is highly important to maintain an honest and open relationship in any social sphere, as honesty is one of the primary methods towards achieving genuinely constructive communication. The basics of effective communication strategy presuppose facing any problem in a problem-oriented manner instead of a person-oriented one. It is impossible to argue that the majority of lies, especially the so-called ‘white lies’ we come across every day, occur when people are afraid of offending or hurting another person.

Sample Essay About Your Child

Essay About Students

College essays are even more challenging to write than high school ones, and students often get assigned a lot of them. And while you might handle writing about the subjects you enjoy, writing about the other subjects could be a real struggle.

However, a ‘white lie’ approach can never be regarded as a constructive solution, as in most cases it has but a temporary effect. Therefore, it is crucial to learn to approach any problem with a strong focus on solving it. To do so, it is first of all essential to formulate a problem and try to find effective means of solving it. Medicine, in particular, is a field where patients can be unaware of challenges faced by them, which is why in serious cases it is crucial to be as tactful, yet honest, as possible, bearing in mind that “few things are more corrosive to trust on which good patient-physician relationships depend than dishonesty” (Gunderman 2001)”.

The need to be honest, even if a doctor knows the news he is about to deliver might have a devastating effect on a patient, leads us to another aspect of effective communication strategy, which is congruence. English essays for grade 10. Congruency in effective communication presupposes that both people are equally involved in communication, and both are sympathetic to a problem they are willing to solve. Adhering to this simple rule will not only make honesty and openness possible, it will as well establish a strong bond between a doctor and a patient, which in its turn, will lead to “greater patient satisfaction” (Dacre et al. 2004) and make a “significant difference to patient health outcomes” (Dacre et al. Thus, with a proper approach and some basic knowledge of effective communication principles, it is possible to escape awkward situations and maintain an honest relationship in any social sphere. Quick analysis This is a great persuasive essay example for high school level — in school, it would definitely get you an A+. But, if you are writing for college level, there is definitely room for improvement.